Go to www.HideMyAss.com and click on IP: Port Proxies. install Mozilla first if you do not have When it opens, locate Free Proxy List (Real-Time 24/7 database) select any country you wish to set up.
Now, there are lots of IP addresses and proxy ports that came up. Infact, they were 376 to be precise in number. But I have to be selective here. Am looking for IP address that has good Speed and Connection Time based on green bars seen above. More so, it will be of more interest to me if the proxy port number is 8080. select anyone I mean IP you prefer with the IP & port you select, Now, go to the installed Mozilla Firefox browser and open it. When it opens, locate Tools on the menu bar and click on it. Then, select Options and click it.
5. As you click on Options, it will bring out a small window. Click on Advanced, then Network and subsequently Settings.
6. As you click on Settings, another small window will pop-up. In there, click on Manual proxy configuration and select Use this proxy server for all protocols. In the HTTP Proxy and Port bars, do paste the IP address and port number you got from http://HideMyAss.com respectively
7. After doing all these, click OK to return to Options’ window. There too, click OK to return back to the browsing interface.
8. Now, we are set to enjoy our new IP address. To check if everything is working very well, do type WhatIsMyIPAdress.com in the browser’s address bar and hit Enter button.
However, there are times when the IP address and port number you selected will not be working or has stopped working. What you need to do is to go back to the First Website get another set of IP address and port number, then repeat the process again to get your desired country’s IP.
My good friend, I hope this report will help you a great deal in changing your IP address.
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